I believe August is always the
hottest month out of June and July!!!! But I do have to say I can't believe its
August already. I have a lot planned for this month starting with a Girl's Night out tonight (Friday night), and then seeing some other friends on Saturday morning, followed by some shopping Saturday afternoon be myself.
I haven't been to the gym yet this week, but I do aim to get there a lot more during the month of August as well as lose a few lbs just in time for the fall shopping Labor Day, as well as going and seeing Chicago in concert, the band not the city!!!
I hope you have lots planned through out the month. I know school goes back here in a few weeks so soak up what's left of those long summer days....
I hope August is a good month for everyone and I'll be posting here through out the month with more posts that lean towards fall clothes, but I will do a few more summer themed posts since its well...still summer!!!!