Friday, March 23, 2012

Its Been A While

So its been a while since I've blogged. I've moved, and I might have to move again due to a leak in my apartment. I'm so not pleased about that thought since I really, really love my bathroom, all to myself. I don't have to share it with anyone, not even the cat!!! LOL!!! I still have my walk-in closet, which I really love as well as the bathroom. Once I know if I'm moving or not, I want black and white shower curtain like the dressing room curtains at White House Black Market. They are so chic and elegant. I love them and it will go with everything I have and keep things looking fresh and modern, but still sophisticated.

Admist all of this I have my eyes out for that perfect little black dress. I believe I found one at White House Black Market that I'm hoping will go on sale real soon along with a white to wear to the summer Convention in July and then to Chicago later on in July. Guess I better start planning my trip now and booking everything I need to. Now I just need to find one more dress and maybe 2 pair of new shoes to go with my dresses. I'd love a head to toe makeup the first weekend in April . It would be so refreshing since its spring and everything's coming to life a little more as the weather gets warmer.

Here are just some in general quotes you might enjoy.