Thursday, July 4, 2013

What Every Stylish Woman Should Have Part 1 Trench Coats

Every woman should have a nice, stylish, chic wardrobe that says "You". So with some inspiration, below is a list of things every stylish woman should have in her closet. The next several posts will help to figure out what to keep, what to toss, and what to add to your closet. We all want to look and feel our best when we get dressed every morning, for different events and occassions.

As you get ready in the morning and look in your closet, is it filled with clothes you love or is it filled with clothes that keep you covered so you can get out the front door?
The list and pictures in this post and the next 15 posts will help you with just that. This is just part 1 of many more posts to come. However, I've divided it up into catogories, starting with trench coats to suits and dresses then working our way down to shoes!!!

A trench coat should be a staple in a woman's wardrobe. They give off a sophisticated, yet trendy, classic vibe. They keep the wind and rain off in the spring and fall. They are perfect to wear on cool days.

Khaki gabardine is the classic, but playing around with color can be even funner. Black and tan/camel is always nice too , but color makes you stand out from the crowd just a little bit more. Try one in a deep purple or fuchsia, or sky blue.

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